The Law is Passed:
America simply must now begin to address many of the issues that have been ignored while the battle over health care was being fought. To me this is perhaps the single greatest reason to not fight wars, other than the cost in blood and treasure. When a war is fought a country or an army loses focus of everything except the war itself. This is true of America as a nation and Americans as a people. What was unprecedented about this last congressional vote was that it was along party lines to the extent that not a single republican voted for this measure.
Now that it is done I would like to remind every republican that while Abe Lincoln was the man who kept America a single nation, the way the Republican Party treated the south following the Civil war was simply atrocious. Financial rape and pillage is exactly what occurred, and does not overstate the events at all. To say that this was done over the objections of the more moderate republicans is also true. What ever happened to moderate republicans anyway? All of those who sought compromise and moderation seem to have been swept away in the rage of battle.
It is I think time for cooler heads to prevail. Far past time some would argue. So this time let us follow Mr. Lincoln’s advice and bind up the wounds of this our nation. Let us permit the angels of our better nature to again take flight. Let the America that has for so long lifted her lamp beside the door to freedom and justice once again beckon those that seek to escape the oppression of governmental intolerance and bigotry. Let us all help to shine a light into a world that is increasingly dark and where people huddle breathing the fetid air of injustice. Let us again show the way towards a brighter tomorrow, for these are the very reasons for America’s existence.
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