Saturday, August 16, 2008

Money and Power:

There seems to be some confusion with some people asking which came first money or power. Maybe this will help. Asking which came first the chicken or the egg is a dodge and asking a question like this prevents knowledge rather than helping. The chicken and the egg are the same critter that is to say both are different forms of a chicken. So it is with money and power. Money and power are really different forms of the same thing.

If you stop and think about many of the questions being asked today you will see that many of those questions are not designed to illicit information but rather to serve as points over which people can endlessly argue. The argument serves to prevent a consensus being reached and real and meaningful solutions being found and applied.

Consider the different sentencing guide lines for cocaine possession. Rock cocaine is the form most often used by Black America. White Americans prefer their cocaine as a powder. Now consider that having the same amount of cocaine in different forms carry different mandatory sentences. Is this the height of stupidity or not. Yet folks will argue over this very point.

Today American education system is in a state of disrepair. In many school districts the schools themselves are in desperate need of repair. Do we fix them? We do not we argue about whether or not prayer in schools should be permitted. Or we argue if the teachers are doing their job. The answer is simple. If the students are not able to read and they are in the seventh grade someone has failed to do their job. If the roof leaks we as citizens have an obligation to fix the leak.

Tonight there will be a question and answer session between Pastor Rick Warren and presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain. Already the Christian right is confusing things by saying that Rick Warren will not ask their stance on Abortion. I for one am far more interested in each mans approach to energy sources for America in the 21 century. Abortion issues do not bring knowledge to this they just serve to cloud the stage with emotion not logic.

Let us all see how clearly issues can be addressed and true solutions proposed to America’s problems. Let us quit bickering over issues that matter little and address issues that matter a lot.


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