A Look Back:
Often I wonder how we got where we are. The steps to getting anywhere are first you dream, then you plan, then you implement that plan. I am not the only person who thinks this way. Almost all rational people think this way. Very little happens with out a plan. Many may not have heard about The Project for the New American Century. The following will give you a sample:
Looking back we see many of the supporters of this plan are names from the Iraq War. These include Dick Cheney George W. Bush; Jeb Bush was also a PNAC signatory. Don Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz also signed this document. What the Wikipedia article presents is a brief look at the documents content and who supported the ideas put forward in the document.
If you have read some of the source documents included in the above URL then I think you can see the flaw in the plan. This flaw is only recently apparent. The flaw is of course that no country no matter how strong or willful can for long dominate the entire planet. Basically America’s war machine is fueled by imported oil. The folks in the Middle East have become all too aware of this reality. As they have the oil; and can control the price is it any wonder that America is hemorrhaging dollars at an unsustainable rate? American banks and monetary credit sources attempted to shore up this dollar flow by marketing securities that were essentially junk bonds. Suddenly American securities threatened to pollute the global credit markets.
America is facing an election which can select the course that America will follow for the next 4 years. Will we select the path of an American Empire? Is this the future that we wish for America? Do we as Americans wish to control the world? Quite obviously some American’s have this as a goal. Just as obviously many Americans reject this as a vision for the future. America is still a democracy. Your vote counts still. The future of America may be decided in the election of 2008.